创始人 Founder

Pierre-Richard Dick: the creative impulse


"Charismatic", "hard working", "visionary": all those who knew the veterinarian doctor Pierre-Richard Dick evoke an extraordinary personality. Exceptional qualities that our founder would bring to animal health and to a formidable human adventure.



皮埃尔-理查德-迪克非凡的意志力源自充满艰辛的童年。1940年,他的父亲在第二次世界大战期间去世,导致他在三岁时就成为了孤儿并因前额受伤待在州立病房中。同年,他的母亲被迫向在阿尔萨斯的德国军队投降。她独自抚养她的儿子,他们首先去了第戎,随后又去了非洲。在皮埃尔11岁的时候,他的脚踝在希默克的家庭锯木厂里被一辆伐木车压断。 九个月之后,他再次从这又一次严重的打击中恢复。他甚至在10年后的斯帕希的军事服役期间,徒步穿越了毛里塔尼亚沙漠1000英里的路程。正是在这些逆境中,皮埃尔-理查德-迪克建立了他的基础价值观,这成为了他一生的信条。

From his birth in Alsace in 1937, the only son of a small construction materials contractor, to his premature disappearance at sea in 1992, Pierre-Richard Dick would meet an atypical fate.

A character of hardened steel

Pierre-Richard Dick’s extraordinary strength of character was rooted in a childhood replete with hardships. In 1940, the loss of his father following injuries to the forehead during World War II left him orphaned and a ward of the State at just three years of age. That same year, his mother is forced to surrender the family home to German troops in Saverne, Alsace. She would raise her son alone, first in Dijon, then in Africa. At 11 years old, in the family sawmill in Schirmeck, Pierre-Richard Dick’s ankle is crushed by a logging truck. Another severe blow from which he would once again recover, after nine months of forced immobilization. Even going so far as to travel a thousand miles on foot across the Mauritanian Desert a decade later, during his military service with the Spahis! It was in the face of adversity that Pierre-Richard Dick built a foundation of values that would form a creed for his entire life.


After his veterinarian studies,the young doctor Pierre-Richard Dick completes his training by taking a course in microbiology at the Pasteur Institute.There, he takes a keen interest in biology and gains the knowledge that would later allow him to develop our first vaccines.



1961年,刚刚毕业于阿尔福特的年轻兽医师皮埃尔-理查德-迪克决定在巴斯德研究所微生物学学科继续深造。在那里学得的知识将引导他研发出维克的第一款疫苗。在26岁时,他加入了朗切塞,尼斯成立时间最长的生物实验室。皮埃尔-理查德-迪克的卓越工作使他很快晋升成为研究主管。在一个非常专业的实验室里,迪克博士本可以成就辉煌的事业,但他的野心与一般人不同。这位年轻人内心深处是个创业家,他有一个梦想: 建立自己的实验室,研发新药,以治疗当时几乎无法治愈或得不到有效治疗的动物疾病。


维克的起源,源自于一个思想的火花: 1965年夏天,皮埃尔-理查德-迪克与比他年长六岁的马克思-宏比会面。马克思-宏比当时在尼斯有一个小兽医诊所,他与皮埃尔的合作关系一直延续到80年代初。这两个未来的共同创始人,通过他们所分享的想法和非凡的直觉,立即形成合作关系并创立了维克。而这一切的改变都源于皮埃尔-理查德-迪克的一个决定:在1967年秋天,他离开了在朗切塞舒适的职位,并创建了一个研究实验室:这是第一个在购物中心开的法国维克兽医诊所。两年来,他用其积蓄购买原材料并研发第一批药品。1970年,他卖掉诊所,把100% 的时间投入在建设维克上。


Entrepreneur and builder

In 1961, fresh out of the Maisons-Alfort school, the young veterinary doctor Pierre-Richard Dick decided to take his training further by taking a course in microbiology at the Pasteur Institute. There he acquires the knowledge that will guide him on the path to our first vaccines. At 26 years old, he joins Ronchèse, the oldest biology laboratory in Nice. His diligence quickly earns him a promotion as research director. A brilliant career opens up for him at a laboratory with undisputed professionalism. But Dr. Dick’s ambitions are entirely different. An entrepreneur at heart, the young man sees further: what he dreamed of basically was to create his own laboratory and discover new medicines to combat animal diseases that were at the time hardly or poorly treated.


The origin of Virbac’s great adventure, a spark: the summer 1965 meeting between Pierre-Richard Dick and Max Rombi, who would remain his associate until the beginning of the ’80s. Six years his elder, Max Rombi had a small veterinary clinic in Nice. The two future co-founders, who shared loads of ideas and extraordinary intuition, immediately form a duo whose synergy was the miracle that brought Virbac to life. It was Pierre-Richard Dick who gave the decisive impetus: in the fall of 1967, he leaves the comfort of his position at Ronchèse to create a research laboratory: Virbac was born. In parallel, he opens a veterinarian clinic in the Cap 3000 shopping center, a first in France! For two years, he will use the income from his practice to finance the first purchase of raw materials and development of the first medicines. In 1970, he sells the clinic to devote 100% of his time to Virbac.



报负与直觉: 一个绝佳的组合


Ambition and intuition: an explosive mix

Who could believe, in January 1968, that the modest laboratory created in a small three-room apartment in Nice would, more than 50 years later, rank among the ten largest veterinary laboratories in the world? When preparing antibiotic powders for local veterinarians, did young Pierre-Richard Dick have a hunch of the path he is going to take? His strategic choices were visionary from the start, in any case. As early as 1969, he intended, well before other laboratories, to help provide better care for companion animals, even when the food producing animals market was still a dominant market. At the urging of its CEO, the laboratory set its sights internationally at an early stage. Third inspired choice: that of innovation driven by the tangible needs of veterinarians, far from the rationale of basic research that he had known up until then. The foundation for long-term success had been laid. A solid foundation on which our teams tirelessly capitalize to sustain a company steeped in human values, with a desire to harness innovation in order to address animal health issues.

维克集团 Virbac Group

价值 Values

Four dates for a unique destiny

img_3.png1961: 皮埃尔-理查德-迪克在迈森-阿尔福特兽医学院毕业后,加入巴斯德研究所完成病毒学和细菌学的培训。

1968: 维克,一家致力于兽医产品的制药公司在尼斯的一栋三间房的小公寓里成立。

1985: 在创始人的推动下,维克在巴黎证券交易所二级市场上市。

1992: 皮埃尔-理查德·迪克在海上去世,享年55岁。



Campsite in Mauritania: towards the end of the ’50s, after his veterinary studies, doctor Pierre-Richard Dick travels more than a thousand kilometers in the desert as part of his military service. He uncovers a budding talent for leadership that will become his strength later in life.

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Pierre-Richard Dick speaks to a gathering of veterinarians and Virbac employees at a reception at the Nice City Hall at the beginning of the ’80s.

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Pierre-Richard Dick at the helm of his boat during the Swan Cup in 1982. Doctor Dick, his wife and their four children could often be found on board the family boat, sharing simple pleasures. It is at his side that his son, Jean-Pierre, discovers sailing, the pleasures and sensations of the regatta. It was also an opportunity to bond with his father.